Building Sustainable Communities

Electric Avenue Properties does more than invest. We help cities in Georgia and Ohio develop infrastructure to support green electric vehicle battery production.

Our mission is to build a cleaner, greener, and healthier world. As a socially-oriented organization led by physicians, we believe in giving back to our communities by supporting local schools, libraries, and parks. Our remodels use environmentally-friendly materials, and we set aside land to protect the environment.

Electric Avenue Properties | Sustainable Construction Building Materials

Green Energy, Greener Planet

Improving the environment with profitable investments

Green Materials

All of our remodels and new construction projects use environmentally-friendly materials. We want our tenants and community to live in clean homes.

Electric Avenue Properties | Electric Vehicle Charging and Sustainability

Electric Vehicles

Highway vehicles release about 1.5 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases annually. Electric cars may drive us towards a cleaner transportation future.

Community Development

Our mission goes beyond standard real estate investing. We're building more sustainable communities with high-quality parks, libraries, and public spaces.

Electric Avenue Properties | Community Building and Sustainability

“Clean air is part of the prescription for every child to meet their full health potential”

— Catherine Karr, MD, PhD

Electric Avenue Properties | Sustainable Clean Air

Invest with impact

Gain access to high impact real estate investment opportunities